Tamara Mihalyi Coaching for Leaders I Conscious Life I Flow habits I Personal Growth
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Inspire as a Leader

by being an example of Personal Evolution

Personal Growth, Character and level of Consciousness all show up in the quality of Leadership.
When you share that belief, the messages and approach here will resonate.

When you come to cross-roads in your Journey, times that feel either overwhelming due to progress happening fast or inertia, when it is not clear what the best investment of your time and energy could be at this stage, a pause and re-evaluation become a necessity to identify the next
optimal choices.

Quality of Life is also increased through finding better options.

Positive shifts happen when you become increasingly aware of what is off, adapt your perspective and corresponding decisions.

Greater Awareness on your
needs and priorities, means a deeper understanding of your Self and your Life.
Clarity on these provides a solid ground for optimal decisions.

At times this entire process can feel like somewhat of a mammoth undertaking, because you are working through your hardwired habits and beliefs that are not always easy to change to align with your re-evaluated goals and priorities.

I'm here to be a guide and accountability partner for you in your enterprise.

"I invest my work into Personal and Leadership Development, because I believe that most of today's issues, especially in contemporary Leadership (on all local and global levels), can be attributed to an insufficient improvement of Consciousness, Self-/Awareness and Character traits. 

leading by example is one of my core premises, I integrate my own learnings into this work. I encourage all of us to start improvements with ourselves. 

In this work together all these elements are a primary focus, so that the
inspiring Impact of Leaders continuously increases in quality, governed by a clear, empowering concept of Self, Core Values and a moral compass combined with an authentic expression of Self-worth.

These provide the essential fertile ground on which a greater

Life Vision of positive Leadership Impact is created."                                                                                                                                     

Tamara Mihályi 

Coaching Sessions
Beach Fench

Current offering

self-evaluate where you are at herE
find more context and clarity for yourself.

FIRST submit your coaching session preparation form 

in the meantime enjoy the Blog.
you find below our most recent topics.


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